Write A Python Program To Sum All The Items In A List

Write A Python Program To Sum All The Items In A List

Here you can find the multiple solutions to the Python program that sums all the items in a list:

Solution 1:

def sum_list(items<>):
    sum_numbers = 0
   for y in items:
        sum_numbers += y
   return sum_numbers

Solution 2:

In the following example:

  • We first define a list of numbers using the square bracket notation.
  • After then initialize a variable total to keep track of the sum, and set it to 0.
  • Now use loop through the list using a for loop, and add each number to the total variable.
  • Finally, we print the total variable using the print() function.
# define the list of numbers
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# initialize a variable to keep track of the sum
total = 0

# loop through the list and add each number to the total
for number in numbers:
    total += number

# print the total
print("The sum of the list is:", total)

Solution 3:

In this program, we define a function sum_list that takes a list of numbers as input. The function initializes a variable sum to 0 and then uses a for loop to iterate through the items in the list. For each item, the function adds the item to the sum. Finally, the function returns the sum of all the items in the list.

To test the function, we create a list of numbers called my_list and pass it to the sum_list function. The function returns the sum of all the items in the list, which we then print to the console. In this example, the output will be, which is the sum of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

def sum_list(items):
sum = 0
for i in items:
sum += i
return sum

# Example usage:
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Output: 15

Solution 4:

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Method 1 - using built-in sum() function
list_sum = sum(my_list)
print("The sum of the list is:", list_sum)

# Method 2 - using a loop
list_sum = 0
for num in my_list:
list_sum += num
print("The sum of the list is:", list_sum)

In the above program, we start by defining a list called my_list that contains five integers.

Next, we demonstrate two different methods to sum the items in the list:

Method 1: We use the built-in sum() function to calculate the sum of all the items in the list. This function takes an iterable as its argument (in this case, our my_list variable) and returns the sum of all the items. We store the result in a variable called list_sum and then print it out.

Method 2: We use a loop to iterate over each item in the list and add it to a running total stored in the variable list_sum. We then print out the final total.

Either of these methods will work, and which one you use may depend on the specific needs of your program.

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